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DBT becomes da man's thing in this issue 

Vital statistics of the Indian male

There are 500 million Indian men on this planet. That's 0.5 billion of them! With 1103 (unverified) of them for every 1000 Indian women, these men must be a privileged lot. But however privileged, they are conspicuous by their low profile. Search for them on Google and you are directed to their even poorer cousins � the �Red� Indians of North America.

But if you dig Indian males, here�s da bangalore torpedo guide to locate them.

- You can smell him from a distance. By the fake adidas perfume and anti-perspirant he uses to beat the balmy Indian weather

- He insists on wearing shorts and chunky �chappals� even if his legs are scrawny

- His favourite shoes are always the sports shoes he wanted to buy when he was in college

- He yearns to look younger. For that he wears teenager�s clothes. If he is a little older, he is happy to think young with some hair dye

- The privileged Indian male can be divided into the deeply religious and the heathen

- The heathen do not bunk work to watch cricket

- A tie is a hung cricket match

- He will also have 12,000 kms of electronic wiring of his different gadgets on him. It does not matter if he does not know to use them

- He emanates and receives enough signals to knock a few INSATs out of orbit

- He is known for his high sensitivity. Especially when Mandakini gets wet on screen.

- Many among them are very strong too. He will not cringe too if his wife is burnt by his Lalita Pawarish mother

- And finally. If you go to any chat room and if you are asked �a/s/l?�, you have found him

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> Mama's worst fears found true. Western World certifies da Indian Male >

Mama's worst fears found true. Western World certifies da Indian Male

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