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How far away do you think is a world without borders?

In a world that now has more countries than ever before, it is crazy to suggest a world without borders!

But now, thanks to the information revolution, a single world is no longer a dream, it is something you will se in your lifetime.

The digital tentacles of the Internet revolution is rapidly spreading across the planet very much like the how the steel tentacles of the railways that built the nation states of the 19th and 20th century and many of the large nations that exists today. While the railways took a long time to slowly spread across the continents, it’s digital equivalent spreads at what can only be termed as Internet Speed.

The Internet has redefined the meaning of distance and the most important beneficiary will be commerce. Information is the most important input in the market place and the emerging market can only be global. For example, if you are producing, say cardamom for $20/kg in India and if your competitor is producing the same for $10/kg in Guatemala, he will be at your throat in no time. Gone are the days when it would have taken a long time for your consumer to gather the information.

And it is only a matter of time for the ancient system of borders to break up and give way for free trade whether you want it or not!
Do you agree?

If you do, do you think that this is what will happen?
And if you disagree, what do you think will happen?

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