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by Sam 

The problem, if you are a DBT correspondent like yours truly is that you just got to keep your ear to the ground. Nothing wrong with that per se, I mean that's my job isn't it? The problem is that when your ear is firmly to the ground and you are getting a load of the goings on, along comes a little doggy, daintily raises its hind leg, and lets go a well aimed squirt right onto your face! Sufficient to disturb the equanimity of any self respecting human.

But seriously, Something has to be done about the stray dog menace. At last count, there were eight strays in my galli. Well I didn't mind them at all until one of them took a pathological hatred for me. For some reason, at the very sight of me, he bares his teeth and from the depths of his belly, sends out a very scary growl that sends me scampering off towards safety. It may sound funny to you, but all those who have been through similar experiences know how very disconcerting all this can be.

I think it's high time that our city's fathers came up with a solution. Personally, I'm all for shooting down the blighters. Of course, the more ecologically minded bangaloreans advocate steps like

  1. Putting them up for adoption (A little difficult, considering there seem to be more stray dogs than people in town)

  2. Castrating them (Hah! You think doggy'll let you creep up to him and ....? you nuts!)

  3. Sterilizing the bitches ( Same snide comment as above. Reader kindly insert necessary changes)

  4. Releasing them into the surrounding wilderness (Guess where they'll come back?)

All this leaves only one option- Shoot down the Blighters. While we're at it, maybe we could shoot down the city fathers who got us into this mess in the first place.


Sam travels by BMTC! 

Ponderings +

Da Bull-fight
Srinath takes on the Indian bovines by their horns!

Da ghost of Veerappasura stalks the city of Bangalore in 2000! 

Da map is not the territory

Do you have attitude Bangalorean?
Sam is bangalorean,. currently in Hyderabad. DBT hopes that the city will drown.

mail: pd_appa@yahoo.com